Our research activitites are hosted at the Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) in Faro, Portugal. Some of the most relevant papers we have published are listed below.
- Zhang, K., Ye, Z., Qi, M., et al. Water Quality Impact on Fish Behavior: A Review From an Aquaculture Perspectivee. Reviews in Aquaculture. 2024; doi: 10.54499/UIDP/04326/2020
- Maia, CM, Saraiva, JL & Gonçalves-de-Freitas, E. Fish welfare in farms: potential, knowledge gaps and other insights from the fair-fish database. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 2024; 1450087. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2024.1450087
- Oliveira AR, Cabrera-Álvarez MJ, Soares F, Diáz-Gil C, et al. Structural enrichment promotes natural behaviour and welfare of captive gilthead seabream broodstock. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 2024; 106289. doi: 10.1016/j.applanim.2024.106289.

Books & chapters
Some of the most relevant books and chapters we already published are listed below.

Some of our presentations at Webinars and Conferences are listed below.
- XXI Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society this year (December 6, 2024):
- João Saraiva: plenary speaker: Swimming with Tinbergen - An ethological approach to fish welfare
- Gonçalo Carneiro Oliveira: talk: The effect of pain on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) behaviour
- Esther Hoyo-Alvarez: talk: Characterizing fish welfare states through a behavioural and physiological assessment on European seabass
- XLI Encontro Anual de Etologia - EAE 2024 (November 18, 2024):
- Caroline Maia: oral presentation: Divulgando comportamento e bem-estar de peixes – podcast Fish talk (Promoting Fish Behavior and Welfare – Fish Talk Podcast)

Media coverage
Some news, interviews and other kind of media coverage about our work are listed below.

Podcast Fish Talk
We create our own podcast episodes, and here you will find them. Fish Talk podcast is focused on episodes that show important characteristics about fishes related to their natural needs, behaviours, abilities and environmental conditions - including farms, both considering the species individually or general aspects relevant for any species.
Our main programme is composed of series of very brief podcasts focused on fish species with profiles already published in the fair-fish database, the first online database to assemble ethological knowledge of farmed fishes.
Go on and discover all our episodes already released here!