Books & chapters

Books & Guidelines:



  • Saraiva JL (coordinator). Using ethology to improve farmed fish welfare and production. Aquaculture Advisory Council (AAC); 2023.
  • Saraiva, J. L, Arechavala-Lopez, P, Cabrera-Álvarez, M. J & Waley, D. Research for ANIT Committee –Particular welfare needs in animal transport: aquatic animals, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels; 2021.
  • Roque, A., Castanheira, M.F., Toffan, A., Arechavala-Lopez, P. et al. Report on fish welfare and list of operational welfare indicators in sea bream. Deliverable 4.5 of the Horizon 2020 project MedAID (GA number 727315), published in the project web site on 17.02.2020:
  • All the species profiles about farmed fishes already published in the fair-fish database (, including 83 Short Profiles, 11 Findings and 11 Reccomendations.

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