XXI Congress of the Portuguese Ethological Society this year (December 6, 2024):
- João Saraiva: plenary speaker: Swimming with Tinbergen - An ethological approach to fish welfare
- Gonçalo Carneiro Oliveira: talk: The effect of pain on gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) behaviour
- Esther Hoyo-Alvarez: talk: Characterizing fish welfare states through a behavioural and physiological assessment on European seabass
XLI Encontro Anual de Etologia - EAE 2024 (November 18, 2024):
- Caroline Maia: oral presentation: Divulgando comportamento e bem-estar de peixes – podcast Fish talk (Promoting Fish Behavior and Welfare – Fish Talk Podcast)
Workshop organized by REMA, the Aquaculture Experimentation and Monitoring Network of APROMAR4 (November 15, 2024):
- Pablo Arechavala: talk: An update on the project: "Fish welfare guide on the Spanish aquaculture: Vol. 4: Rainbow trout."
Animal Health Symposium 2024 (November 12, 2024):
- João Saraiva: talk: Mind the fish mind: consciousness, sentience and implications for aquaculture
International Fish Congress & Fish Expo Brasil 2024 (IFC) (September 24, 2024):
- Caroline Marques Maia: talk: Bem Estar Animal:da produção ao Abate humanitário - Impacto nos resultados e condicionante para acesso ao mercado (Animal Welfare: From Production to Humane Slaughter – Impact on Outcomes and a Condition for Market Access)
- Caroline Marques Maia: virtual banner: Enriquecimento estrutural com aguapés e abrigos artificiais melhora a qualidade da carne da tilápia do Nilo (Structural enrichment with artificial water hyacinths and shelters improves the flesh quality of Nile tilapia)
Aqua 2024 (August 26-30, 2024)
- João Saraiva: talk: Fish Welfare - current knowledge and benefits for production
Seminars at the Università degli Studi di Padova (UNIPD) / University of Padua - SENTINEL project (May 16-17, 2024)
- João Saraiva: talk: Mind the fish mind: fish sentience and implications and implications for welfare
- João Saraiva: talk: Fish welafre: an ethological approach
8th AquaFarm (February 12, 2024)
- João Saraiva: talk: Using ethology to improve farmed fish welfare and production
24th Cal-Aqua- Laboratory Aquatic Animal Science Course (December 2023)
- João Saraiva: talk: Ethology, environmental enrichment and fish welfare
Cure4Aqua Project: Workshop on Operational welfare indicators for farmed seabass (November 25, 2023)
- João Saraiva: talk: Behavioural indicators of farmed fish welfare
Workshop de Lançamento de Diretrizes para o Bem-estar Animal na Piscicultura - Fórum Animal (November 11, 2023):
- Caroline Marques Maia: round table to discuss important topics related to fish welfare in aquaculture.
XL Encontro Anual de Etologia - EAE 2023 (October 30, 2023):
- Caroline Marques Maia: mini course: Divulgando etologia na sociedade a partir dos peixes: de textos a podcasts
(Disseminating ethology on society based on fishes: from texts to podcasts)
- Caroline Marques Maia: oral presentation: Tilápia do Nilo visita tanto abrigo quanto ambiente complexo similarmente, mas prefere ficar mais tempo com o abrigo (Nile tilapia visit both shelter and complex environment similarly, but prefer to stay longer with the shelter)
- Caroline Marques Maia: talk in a coordinated session: Estado da arte sobre o bem-estar das espécies aquáticas de produção com base na fair-fish database (State of the art on the welfare of aquatic farmed species based on the fair-fish database)
4th Annual Aquatic Life Conference (October 17, 2023):
- María J. Cabrera-Álvarez: talk: fair-fish database: welfare assessment of aquatic species in aquaculture (Essential Tools and Resources panel)
- Caroline Marques Maia: talk: Investigating the state-of-the-art of fish welfare in farms using the fair-fish database (Essential Tools and Resources panel)
10o Encontro de Divulgação Científica e Cultural - EDICC 10 2023 (October 17, 2023):
- Caroline Marques Maia: talk: Fish Talk: um podcast de divulgação científica sobre comportamento e bem-estar de peixes
IFC International Fish Congress & Fish Expo Brasil 2023 (September 19, 2023):
- Caroline Marques Maia: talk: O bem-estar se paga: melhorar a qualidade de vida dos peixes eleva a produtividade e rentabilidade
- Caroline Marques Maia: virtual poster: Quais aspectos do bem-estar dos peixes têm maior probabilidade e potencial na aquicultura?
Aquaculture Europe 2023 (European Aquaculture Society - EAS) (September 18, 2023):
- João Saraiva: session opening lecture: Welfare and climate change in fish farming
- João Saraiva: talk: Assessing rainbow trout welfare at slaughter: an integrative approach using behavioural, physiological, proteomic and quality indicators with a novel temperature stunning method
- Maria Cabrera-Alvarez: talk: Seabream welfare during slaughter - behaviour and heart rate assessment
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Swimming and cardio-activity of european seabass reared in experimental sea cages
- Esther Hoyo-Alvarez: talk: Consciousness indicators and cardiac responses of European seabass to different slaughtering processes
- Ana Roque: talk: The effects of pre-sacrifice and crowding on the heart activity of commercial seabass
Behaviour 2023 Conference (August 14, 2023):
- María J. Cabrera-Álvarez: talk: A behavioural and physiological approach for the study of welfare in seabream broodstock exposed to environmental enrichment
- María J. Cabrera-Álvarez: talk: Welfare assessment of farmed aquatic species using the fair-fish database
Seminar in China, at the invitation of Zhejiang University (July 30, 2023):
- João Saraiva: invited speaker: Mind the fish minds: an integrative approach in to fish welfare
Research and Practice of Aquatic Animal Welfare Conference (July 29, 2023):
- João Saraiva: keynote speaker: Fish welfare: fundamentals and applications
Extinction or Regeneration 2023 Conference (May 11, 2023):
IEEE International Workshop on Measurements and Applications in Veterinary and Animal Sciences (April 26, 2023):
- João Saraiva: keynote spearker: Non-invasive indicators of fish welfare
- João Saraiva: co-chaired the session Non-invasive indices of welfare in farmed fish
Towards a more sustainable EU aquaculture - Compassion in World Farming event at EU Parliament (January 24, 2023):
- João Saraiva: talk: Fish welfare: a common goal
Seminar at Shanghai Ocean University - Shanghai, China (December 5, 2022):
- João Saraiva: talk: Fish Welfare: a common goal
XVIII Congreso Nacional de Acuicultura in Cádiz, Spain (November 21, 2022):
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Guía sobre el bienestar de los peces en la Acuicultura Española
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: co-chaired one welfare session and presented the talk: Enriquecimiento ambiental en doradas de acuicultura: fundamentos y aplicaciones en distintas fases (oral presentation)
- María J. Cabrera-Álvarez: oral presentation: Las tareas rutinarias en acuicultura alteran la frecuencia cardiaca de las doradas reproductoras
XXXIX Encontro Anual de Etologia (Brazilian Annual Ethology Meeting) - EAE 2022 (November 1, 2022):
- Caroline Marques Maia: talk: Divulgação científica em comportamento e bem-estar animal: um diálogo com a sociedade a partir dos peixes
- Caroline Marques Maia: oral presentation: Preferências e motivações em peixes: novas abordagens para o bem-estar animal
- Caroline Marques Maia: poster: Tilápia-do-Nilo prefere interagir com toca do que com estrutura complexa
XXII Seminário de Aquacultura - Associação Portuguesa de Aquacultores (October 28, 2022):
- João Saraiva: talk: Bem-estar animal na aquacultura: um objectivo comum
Investigação em Aquacultura: Contribuição para o crescimento azul - Instituto Português de Mar e Atmosfera (October 27, 2022):
- João Saraiva: talk: A importância do bem-estar e a ocorrência de patologias em peixes marinhos
Foro de los Recursos Marinos y de la Acuicultura de las Rías Gallegas' - ForoAcui XXIV (October 6, 2022):
- João Saraiva: talk: El bienestar de los peces: un objetivo común
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Enriquecimiento ambiental: una estrategia para mejorar la producción y el bienestar de los peces en cautividad
Aquaculture Europe 2022 (European Aquaculture Society - EAS) (September 27, 2022):
- João Saraiva: participated of a plenary session presenting the talk: The Move towards Circularity
- João Saraiva: moderator of the welfare session, presenting the talk: Domestication and Welfare on Farmed Fish
- María J. Cabrera-Álvarez: talk: Husbandry procedures affect heart rate of broodstock of gilthead sea bream
- Ana Rita Oliveira: talk: Structural enrichment effects on the welfare of gilthead seabream sparus aurata broodstock
The IX Iberian Congress of Ichthyology (SIBIC) (June 20, 2022):
- María J. Cabrera-Álvarez: talk: Husbandry procedure effects on brood-stock gilthead seabream’s heart rate housed under enriched and bare environments
- Ana Rita Oliveira: talk: Effects of Environmental Enrichment on the Welfare of Gilthead Seabream Broodstock
Jornadas do Mar - ICBAS - Universidade do Porto (March 27, 2022):
- João Saraiva: talk: Desafios da Aquacultura
Online event of Eurogroup for Animals - Fish welfare in aquaculture: the practical approach to husbandry, health and consumers (March 22, 2022):
- João Saraiva: talk: Interactive fish welfare training
Master in Animal Law and Society - Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (January 20, 2022):
- João Saraiva: talk: Mind the fish mind
Webinar - The need for welfare legislation for aquatic animals (December 01, 2021):
- João Saraiva: talk: Fish have minds but who minds the fish?
VII Simpósio Zebrafish - como modelo animal de pesquisa (November 25, 2021):
- Caroline Marques Maia: participated of a round table presenting the talk: Respostas de preferência dos peixes aplicadas ao seu bem-estar com ênfase no zebrafish
XXXVIII Encontro Anual de Etologia & III Reunião de Biologia do Comportamento do Cone Sul (November 11-13, 2021):
- Caroline Marques Maia: talk: Avaliação de bem-estar em peixes de produção com base na FishEthoBase
Aquaculture Europe 2021 (European Aquaculture Society - EAS) (October 06, 2021):
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Structural enrichment in gilthead seabream aquaculture - fundamentals and applications
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Environmental preference of Nile tilapia according to behavior traits
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Swimming activity of gilthead seabream in swim-tunnels
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Suspended structural enrichment improves growth homogeneity of juvenile seabass stocks
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: The effect of tank cover on welfare of farmed Nile tilapia
Webinar - Unlocking the potential of tilapia aquaculture: innovation, welfare and sustainable development (July 28, 2021):
- Caroline M Maia: general facilitator of the webinar
- Caroline M Maia: talk: The 5 Domains applied to fish welfare, with an emphasis on Nile Tilapia
Simpósio de Bem-Estar em Peixes (Symposium of Fish Welfare) (July 02, 2021):
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Enriquecimento Ambiental na Aquacultura
- João Saraiva: talk: FishEthoBase: uma plataforma mundial para o bem-estar em peixes
Aquaculture Advisory Council - WORKING GROUP 1 Meeting (June 02, 2021):
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Enrichment and meeting the ethological requirements of fish
Animal Welfare Group Nigeria - Webinar (May 19, 2021):
- João Saraiva: talk: Fish Welfare: an ethological approach
Associacion ibérica de zoos y acuarios - AIZA Annual Congress (May 12, 2021):
- João Saraiva: talk: Fish Welfare: an ethological approach
Aquaculture Europe 2020 - EAS2020 (April 12-15, 2021):
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Structural enrichment in tanks enhances spatial cognition of juvenile gilthead seabream
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Using acoustic telemetry to monitor swimming behavior of gilthead seabream in sea cages (awarded)
Compassion in World Farming - Webinar (January 27, 2021):
Portuguese Ethological Society annual congress SPE2020 (November 6, 2020)
Aquatic Animal Welfare Conference (November 1-4, 2020):
Aquaculture Advisory Council Fish Welfare Seminar (October 2, 2020):
- João Saraiva: talk: FishEthoBase - an open access database on fish ethology and welfare
Sciaena webinar cycle on sustainable aquaculture (June 18, 2020):
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Escapees and carrying capacity
Sciaena webinar cycle on sustainable aquaculture (June 2, 2020):
Intl. Tagung Angewandte Ethologie, Freiburg (November 18, 2019):
- Billo Heinzpeter Studer: talk: Erarbeitung von praxistauglichen Fischwohl-Kriterien für die Aquakultur (Keynote on the CareFish project for Friend of the Sea)
CCMAR Seminar (November 14, 2019):
- Pablo Arechavala-Lopez: talk: Enriching aquaculture to promote fish welfare
Aquaculture Advisory Council, Brussels (October 15, 2019):
- João L. Saraiva: talk: Driving Mr. Tinbergen, ethology and welfare in fish farming
Nachhaltige Beschaffung von Fisch der Stadt Wien, Vienna (October 3, 2019):
- Billo Heinzpeter Studer: talk: Welchen Fisch kauf ich denn nun?
Eurogroup and Open Phlinathropy grantees, Brussels (June 11, 2019):
- João L. Saraiva and Billo Heinzpeter Studer: talk: The Carefish project for FOS
1st Symposium on Welfare in Aquaculture, Swansea (May 14, 2019):
- Maria Filipa Castanheira: talk: Fish Welfare Criteria in Worldwide Aquaculture: the CareFish Project
"Rethink Fish", European Parliament, Brussels (March 6, 2019):
- João L. Saraiva: talk: Science-based evidence and directions for humane fish farming.